Art by Di Sanderson

Where art and music fuse together to unlock emotions and spark inspiration.

Fine Art Print

Walk on the Wild Side

Maybe art can't be explained adequately in words. It's influence on people is so personal, it speaks to us visually, not by word of mouth. Art’s an experience. It’s important to let go of the need to put things into words and let the artwork take you somewhere... feel the emotions and lose the noise.

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Blue Commotion

Abstract Art allows me to explore and create my own meaning of the manic world we live in.

‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.’

  - Pablo Picasso

Meet the artist

Di Sanderson

I was born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland and have enjoyed living in Australia with my husband and family since 2012.

I discovered my passion and deep love for art at a young age. Always with a pencil in my hand drawing. Unsuprisingly, this creative child, was unhappy with her adult corporate career.

I studied to become a certified wellness coach, supporting clients to find their true purpose and passion. 'What is it you loved doing most as a child?'

It was time to ask myself the same question.

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